In this video, we learn how to remove brown spots from your skin. These develop over time on your hands and face. First, you will need to buy sunscreen and use this as often as possible when you go ou ...
Alot of teenagers suffer acne once in their lives. Some can be lucky and not suffer any acne at all, but some teenagers can be one of the unlucky ones, suffering acne in their most vulnerable times of ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to get rid of pimples and zits with aspirin. First, you will take the aspirin you have (uncoated is better) and place it into a clear bowl. After this, crush it up with ...
Outside of being one of YouTube's most revered beauty gurus, Michelle Phan is resourceful to say the least. Kitty litter. Hot chocolate. Tomatoes. Aspirin. Eggs. Ice. And now: sushi. Well, technicall ...
In this video, we learn how to treat sunburned and irritated skin. Milk and water compresses are the best treatment. To make these, pour equal parts of milk and water into a bowl, then place a clean c ...
In this video, we learn to prevent dry skin by avoiding very hot water. Make sure when you take a bath or shower, you don't use very hot water. Use warm water, which will keep moisture in your skin. H ...
In this home-beauty how-to, television personality Jenny Jones shows you which foods make great face and hair beauty treatments. Beautify yourself with comestibles. It's easy! So easy, in fact, that t ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to get rid of stretch marks. When the stretch marks are still red, you still have a chance to get rid of them. If you purchase Palmer's cocoa butter, it helps cure stret ...
Do you want skin that looks and feels softer than a baby's bottom? Or how about skin so glowy and luminous it looks like you got a full eight hours of sleep (even if you didn't)? Well, you don't need ...
Alana tells us how to fix acne and zit emergencies in this tutorial. If you have a zit you need to get rid of right away, look and see if it's red and has a white head. If it has a whitehead, then you ...