f you suffer from severe acne, a basic treatment like face wash just isn't going to cut it. Luckily, there's skin care that really can help clear up your face, from Accutane (which you've probably hea ...
Suffering from acne scars that are as noticeable as the pimples that caused them? You can find an effective acne scar treatment, from laser resurfacing to collagen injections. Here, the skin care and ...
Watch this video tutorial to learn how to make your own all-natural face masks. Tired of spending a lot of money on facial products that don't even work? Try on some masks made from items you already ...
Are you constantly battling chapped lips? The right prevention methods can restore lip moisture in no time. Watch this Howcast guide to learn how to prevent chapped lips. Nobody wants chapped lips - l ...
Learn how to care for your skin with Petrilude. Petrilude (aka Josh) is a guy that does makeup. You may think taking makeup tips from a guy is strange, but Petrilude is a talented makeup artist. If yo ...
Learn how to conceal under eye circles with Martha Stewart's REAL SIMPLE. The thin skin under the eyes is prone to dark circles?especially when you don't get enough sleep. Here's how to achieve a brig ...
Stop bemoaning your blotchy complexion and start evening it out instead, no matter your specific skin complaint. You Will Need * Sunscreen * Facial cleanser and moisturizer with alpha hydroxy ac ...
Don't squeeze that blackhead! There's a gentler way to get rid of it, and several steps you can take to prevent new ones from forming. You Will Need: * A medium-size pot of boiling water * Tea ...
Aspirin masks are not something new, but many people are not aware of this amazing mask and the potential it has for clearing you skin! For this tutorial, you will need a bottle or a box of standard A ...
Take steps today to keep your complexion wrinkle-free. You Will Need: * Sunscreen * Lip balm with sunscreen * Sunglasses * Anti-wrinkle foods * Acai or goji juice * Green tea * ...